Our Fear Districts bring your closest fears closer, as well as fears yet discovered found. The Fear Carolina Haunt district one
features Fears Favorite Haunted Attractions in Western North Carolina. The Four attractions featured in District 1 are much more
than just haunted houses, they are indeed full on Fear Parks! Things Feared both real and imagined will be found here for those
who dare. The scariest destinations in this district are at Lake Hickory Haunts in Hickory NC, The Haunted Pyramids in Lawndale
NC ( near Shelby ),Midway Wicked Woods in Statesville NC, and Hillside Horror in Roaring River NC which is just outside of
Wilkesboro. All are an enjoyable drive from the Charlotte area as well. District one is one of our favorite regions to visit because
it is very easy to make a day or even a weekend of your trip because you are visiting one of the most mysterious regions in the
Carolina’s, The North Carolina Mountains! Legends, Folklore, and more make for some great day time exploration material to get
the most out of a longer drive but the sights and experiences at these haunts alone are more than worth the trip. As darkness falls
and the air gets a little crisper, the nighttime becomes the right time for fear! Each haunted attraction in District 1 is a great choice
for finding what scares ya. Below you will find a small sample of why each haunt featured here is one of Fears Favorite haunted
attractions but don’t just take our word for it. Some things you just have to find out for yourself. Before you visit you must know
this, the haunted attractions of the Carolina Fear District 1 will hook you on haunting when you awake screaming from
your dreams, don’t say we didn’t warn you!